Because Mom said so...
Doesn’t everyone’s mother say “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all?” Well, that’s kind of how I felt last week. With the exception of Thanksgiving day, I wasn’t in a very good mood. I didn’t feel like spreading my sour attitude to anyone else..haha. So, therefore, no new postings. Now that I think back on it though, there were a couple of good things that happened last week.
I spent Thanksgiving day at Henry Kissenger’s house. Okay, he wasn’t there. In fact he hasn’t lived there in years, but he did once! A friend of mine, whom I knew form my time in California, invited my to go with him. The home belongs to his friend, an American who knows how to throw a big Thanksgiving bash. It was great. I ate until I felt sick…and isn’t that what it’s all about? Haha Okay maybe not, but I did eat until I felt sick. It was nice to have somewhere to be on the holiday. It really was a good time and there were some others there who I met previously since I’ve been here.
The day before, Wednesday, we had a mandatory “fun” day. (Notice the word fun is in quotes and not the word mandatory). The event left a lot to be desired, but I was able to reconnect with a couple other people whom I knew from DLI. It’s nice to see familiar faces. I felt a little less alone here.
The rest of the weekend was very low key and I mostly hung around here and did a lot of nothing. I think I needed that after the stressful days before. Yesterday, I went to the service at the post chapel again. The chaplain’s sermons are usually pretty basic (not deep), but the Lord really touched my heart through His word during the service. The scripture reading was from Luke 17 (about the ten lepers). I hadn’t read that in a long time and I was very moved by it.
Well, this week is starting off oddly. I went to PT this morning and they announced that we were having a urinalysis test. Whatever. So, no PT. After peeing in the cup, I went to look at a car to buy. Still haven’t bought one yet…hopefully this week sometime. Stay tuned for that one.
Not much else going on… Miss you all.
I spent Thanksgiving day at Henry Kissenger’s house. Okay, he wasn’t there. In fact he hasn’t lived there in years, but he did once! A friend of mine, whom I knew form my time in California, invited my to go with him. The home belongs to his friend, an American who knows how to throw a big Thanksgiving bash. It was great. I ate until I felt sick…and isn’t that what it’s all about? Haha Okay maybe not, but I did eat until I felt sick. It was nice to have somewhere to be on the holiday. It really was a good time and there were some others there who I met previously since I’ve been here.
The day before, Wednesday, we had a mandatory “fun” day. (Notice the word fun is in quotes and not the word mandatory). The event left a lot to be desired, but I was able to reconnect with a couple other people whom I knew from DLI. It’s nice to see familiar faces. I felt a little less alone here.
The rest of the weekend was very low key and I mostly hung around here and did a lot of nothing. I think I needed that after the stressful days before. Yesterday, I went to the service at the post chapel again. The chaplain’s sermons are usually pretty basic (not deep), but the Lord really touched my heart through His word during the service. The scripture reading was from Luke 17 (about the ten lepers). I hadn’t read that in a long time and I was very moved by it.
Well, this week is starting off oddly. I went to PT this morning and they announced that we were having a urinalysis test. Whatever. So, no PT. After peeing in the cup, I went to look at a car to buy. Still haven’t bought one yet…hopefully this week sometime. Stay tuned for that one.
Not much else going on… Miss you all.
At November 27, 2006 at 4:27 PM ,
Bop said...
Hey, I get to be first.
Sounds like this week might be better than last. We miss you, too.
At November 27, 2006 at 7:46 PM ,
angela said...
good to hear you're still around! and it sounds like you had a nice thanksgiving! i know you'll have more friends soon; you're so much fun and all!
happy monday!
At November 28, 2006 at 12:12 AM ,
lewiscrew5 said...
We are praying that you get to know some more people and find a car that you like. Here are the boys ideas, Robert a truck like your dad's, Sammy said Duh Mom he needs an army peep I mean jeep. James is sick and did not know. Bobby is recovering well he even went back to school today. Please pray he does not get James sickness.
P.S. We are going to send you a care package any special request?
Love & Miss you,
Amy & the Boys
At November 28, 2006 at 2:49 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I always enjoy a week that starts out with me peeing in a cup. (Actually, I did that a lot when I was pregnant. I kinda miss it...well, not really.) Hope things go well this week. I think you should get a van. They are awesome!
At November 28, 2006 at 7:00 AM ,
Phillip said...
Haha, thanks Laura. I'll think about the van idea. Okay, I'm done thinking about it. No. I always like to consider all my options. Thanks for the great comments!
At November 29, 2006 at 10:35 PM ,
lewiscrew5 said...
The boys love being able to see what you are up to in Germany. Bob printed them a map so they know where in Germany you are. Bobby is feeling great. He hopes he can eat tacos tonight we will see. Still need ideas for you care package or are you like Bob and want to be surprised?
At December 1, 2006 at 12:13 AM ,
Bop said...
Since you posted this with the title phrase, I have heard the same phrase used several times. Wierd how that happens don't hear it for a long time and then it is all over the place.
At December 1, 2006 at 6:06 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Actually, what's needed here is to give credit where credit is due.
The original quote came from "your father" and is: "If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all." and it is officially "Thumper's Rule".
Do you know who "your father" is and where Thumper's Rule originated?
At December 1, 2006 at 8:59 PM ,
angela said...
i know!
At December 2, 2006 at 7:33 PM ,
Phillip said...
I give up
At December 2, 2006 at 8:34 PM ,
lewiscrew5 said...
Dear Phillip,
You should know this we watch this moviie all the time even got in trouble becasue we quoted it all the time. Notice the clue in your greeting.
At December 2, 2006 at 8:37 PM ,
lewiscrew5 said...
I cannot type today there are many spelling mistakes in my last post. Please pray for Jenny she went into the hospital, she checked herself in. Her drepression is really bad.
At December 2, 2006 at 9:20 PM ,
angela said...
give up, soldier? did you even try?
At December 3, 2006 at 12:53 AM ,
Phillip said... it the Godfather? if it is, I've never seen it. I know, I know.."YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THE GODFATHER?!?!?!?"
At December 3, 2006 at 1:05 AM ,
Unknown said...
Don't feel bad, bro...I haven't either. I HAVE stuffed grapes in my cheeks to sound like the Godfather, though...if that counts for anything.
And, if it makes you feel any better, I don't have the foggiest idea what everyone is talking about.
At December 3, 2006 at 1:23 AM ,
Anonymous said...
The best Godfather impersonation was Tom Hanks in "You've Got Mail".
"Munday, Wensday, Tuesday."
But here's the answer to Thumper's Rule:
THUMPER'S RULE - In Walt Disney's classic 1942 animated movie "Bambi," there's a scene where the little deer first meets his rabbit friend, Thumper. As Bambi takes his first steps, he trips and falls in front of Thumper and his rabbit family.
Thumper asks, "What's the matter? Did the young prince fall down? Is he hurt?"
As Bambi rises, wobbling, his mother answers, "No, he's all right."
Thumper continues, "He doesn't walk very good, does he?"
"Thumper!," mother rabbit reprimands.
"Yes, Mama?," says Thumper.
"What did your father tell you this morning?," asks his mother.
Thumper sheepishly repeats, "If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
You-You wins.
Amy is second. (Get it? Dear Phillip:) (Maybe the German water is effecting the little gray cells.)
Phillip loses!
(Okay, second to last because, after all, it is your blog.)
At December 3, 2006 at 10:00 AM ,
Phillip said...
HAHAHA...Of COURSE! i can't believe I didn't think of that. You even said THUMPER. Duh! I really did lose this one. bummer.
and Yes! I love the Tom Hanks godfather impression! Classic!
At December 3, 2006 at 10:02 AM ,
Phillip said...
Also, I have to say this: I can't believe that out of all the blogs I've written, this one has generated the most responses...haha. I guess you never can tell. This one got off on kind of a rabbit trail though...HAHA get it? rabbit trail...
At December 3, 2006 at 2:09 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I thought Thumper immediately but didn't want to sound juvenile. I get blammed way to many time for not being "with it" that is why this is anonymous!
At December 5, 2006 at 7:39 PM ,
Bop said...
I can't believe I'm just now seeing all these comments. I guess I thought the commenting was over for this entry.
I would have known right away the answer. I can see Thumper saying it. He puts his paws behind his back and recites it as if he's heard it a hundred-no, a thousand times.
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