For unto us...
Merry Christmas, everyone! May God bless each of you this Christmas as you celebrate the birth of the Son. Remember, Christmas is not a self-contained event. It is not an end unto itself. From Isaiah's prophecy, to the announcement of the angels, to the words of Simeon in the temple courtyard, the coming of this baby, Jesus, was always viewed with His great future role as King of kings in view. We don't celebrate the birth of this baby, as though the world needed one more baby to be complete. We celebrate who this baby is and we place our hope in His deeds as a THE Man. Out of the body of the virgin, came the body of the Savior...a body which would be broken for us, would be pierced for us, would be raised for us...the body which, one great day, will take its seat on the eternal throne from which the King will rule all the earth as He now rules in our hearts and He will bring peace to all the earth just as He has brought peace to our souls. "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." To me, "merry Christmas" means "let your heart be happy and full of peace because your Savior has come." (it's a lot easier to say "merry Christmas" though).
Thank God! We have a Savior and His saving work is being finished in our hearts.
Merry Christmas! Your sins are forgiven and your Savior is alive!!!
Peace on Earth...may the Lord Jesus bring it with Him soon!
Thank God! We have a Savior and His saving work is being finished in our hearts.
Merry Christmas! Your sins are forgiven and your Savior is alive!!!
Peace on Earth...may the Lord Jesus bring it with Him soon!
At December 24, 2006 at 10:07 PM ,
Bop said...
Merry Christmas to you, too. We think of you daily and wish you could be with us this year. Thank you for your Christmas message. We love you.
At December 25, 2006 at 5:47 AM ,
lewiscrew5 said...
We miss you. We are waiting for the boys to fall a sleep. They had a lot of pop at my mom's today. We are planning to be here on Christmas day. Possibly going to Janet & Tim's around 4 tomorrow. Not sure will have to see how the day goes. I am making turkey for lunch. Hope you have a great day celbrating Christ birth.
At December 25, 2006 at 7:44 PM ,
angela said...
this was a lot cheerier than the "blah blah blah" post! thanks for the uplift! it was great talking with you; i hope the rest of your Christ-mas is wonderous!
At December 25, 2006 at 8:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Merry Christmas!
At our Christmas Eve service last night they handed out a flyer that encouraged us to review the following Scripture verses:
Isaiah 7:10-16; 9:1-7
Luke 1:1 - 2:52
Matthew 1:18-2:23
It ended by saying:
The birth of Christ might well be called the gift God the Father gave us to provide for the forgiveness of our sins and our eternal fellowship with Him. For further study into the results of the gift of Immanuel read and discuss I Peter 1:1-12.
Merry Christmas!
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